I'm a superhero who burns people with cigarette butts. I only burn people who are already having a bad day so they can blame me for it, that's why I'm a hero. When I am done burning people I sit down and I cross my legs and I wink, sometimes I eat a cookie. When I stay home the world gets cranky. I have a nemesis. His name is Hank. Read all about me! Cigarette Burn Girl!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I met my nemesis today for the first time. Since I am an antihero I wasn't sure I had one, but as it turns out he is much bigger than me and his skin is plastic. His face looks like a happy family that got run over by a drunk driver. When he drools he apologizes, but then he punches you in the neck with his giant paw, which makes an uncomfortable plastic sound like sitting on a new mattress. And it hurts like being called a name. I tried to burn holes in him but it smelled disgusting and the fumes made my belly ache! I was yelling for Mom and reaching for the gun I never had! But I guess I should have known this would happen sooner or later.

I need a sidekick now more than ever! I'm still taking applications!


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